SSoA students announced as winners of Passivhuas Student Competition

A group of SSoA Masters students were named as one of the winners of the fifth and final Passivhaus Student Competition, sponsored by Tarmac.

Winning project by SSoA students for Passivhaus competition

Monisha Yadur, Shahab Gorjimahlabani, Shailee Mody and Vishnukant Jaju were named winners for their project Main Road Eco Village.

The project was described as:

A 35-dwelling new-build social housing project with terraced and detached houses. One of the mid-terrace houses has been chosen for this study consisting of a one-bedroom unit on the ground floor and a two-bedroom unit on the first and second floor. The key concept of the design is access to green space on every floor with stepped green roof design on all three level. The building utilises a compact form to reduce heat loss with maximum south facing glazing to enhance winter solar gain. A timber balloon frame system (oak) with continuous wall studs past the floor joists has been chosen: this makes airtightness detailing easier. The external envelope is comprised of a cavity wall system with reclaimed brick cladding, 260mm of sheep’s wool insulation and 140B timber wall studs. Finally, an Isoquick fat raft slab system with underfloor heating has been specified.

More details about the project can be found here. 

Judges looked for schemes that identified their Passivhaus strategy, were tested via energy modelling & justified design choices with clear development. After an accumulation of Passivhaus tutors, informative seminars, as well as surmounting additional challenges posed by lockdown, Passivhaus chose a new cohort of winning designs.

More details about the competition can be found here.

Four students laughing while sat at a bench, outside the Students' Union

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