My course hugely developed my understanding of physics relative to biology

Rajpinder Seehra
Rajpinder Seehra
Masters student
Biological Imaging MSc
Raj took our Biological Imaging MSc course, which combined his favourite subjects in one degree – maths, physics and biology.

The exploration and development of imaging techniques to answer biological questions has always fascinated me. By combining my favourite subjects – maths, physics and biology – we can investigate these queries.

The course covers a wide range of imaging modalities and moving from the theory to practice on a specific technique was an enjoyable experience. Additionally, learning the coding language, Python, was surprisingly fun to learn and use.

This course has led to a huge development in my understanding of physics relative to biology as well as the transference of these concepts to code. For example, the conceptually understandable idea of light passing through a lens, is far more complex from a physics and mathematics perspective. Within the code this culminates in a process known as convolution.

Currently, I’m using my knowledge to build a confocal microscope simulation in Python for my research project, allowing a user to simulate this imaging method and refine their parameters before imaging in reality.

After completing the course I aim to do a PhD which applies microscopy to a biological question and delve further into the imaging world.

Four students laughing while sat at a bench, outside the Students' Union

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