Postgraduate Dissertation Prize Success (SPMA)

We are delighted to announce that Claire Moore (MA Cultural Heritage Management) has won the Society for Post-Medieval Archaeology Postgraduate Dissertation Prize 2021!

Details showing graffiti stickers at a Crossing point
Details showing graffiti stickers at a Crossing point

We are delighted to announce that Claire Moore (MA Cultural Heritage Management and supervised by our Senior University Teacher in Cultural Heritage, Dr Katherine Fennelly), has won the Society for Post-Medieval Archaeology Postgraduate Dissertation Prize 2021 with her dissertation entitled ‘Protest, Presence and Promotion: Capturing the contrasting conversations expressed through graffiti stickers and how they contribute to defining a subcultural community in a Sheffield Street’.

The award letter states 'The judges felt that your dissertation was '…Very well written and structured, very polished. Strong theoretical overview does not detract from the excellent practical nature of the project. …The judges also suggested that your dissertation has the potential to be published in our journal Post-Medieval Archaeology after reworking it into the research paper'.

The prize is £250 and free membership of the Society for one year, which includes a copy of the annual journal Post-Medieval Archaeology.

Well done Claire, and Kat.

Four students laughing while sat at a bench, outside the Students' Union

International scholarships

We offer a generous package of financial support for international students, including undergraduate and postgraduate taught scholarships towards the annual tuition fee. Applications are open for existing offer holders.