Policies and protocols

University Health Service policies and protocols.


Privacy notice

Information about how we keep your information safe and secure:

UHS Fair Processing and Privacy Notice (PDF, 175 KB)

Accountable GPs

All patients at the University Health Service are given a named accountable GP. They will be responsible for your overall care at the Practice. 

You can book appointments with any doctor at the University Health Service that you choose. If you wish to know who your named GP is or if you have a preference please contact reception.

Declaration of average GP earnings

It is a contractual requirement for practices to publish on their website the mean earnings for GPs.

The average pay for GPs working at the University Health Service in the financial year 2021/22 before tax and National Insurance was £63,946. This was for 9 Full-time GPs (8 sessions or more), 9 part-time GPs and 4 locum doctors.

Primary Care Sheffield

The University Health Service is a shareholder in Primary Care Sheffield Ltd (PCS). PCS is an organisation set up by GP Practices in Sheffield which aims to provide high quality, locally based, NHS Services to patients. 

Some of these services are based in local practices and provided by UHS. Alternatively, your GP may, after consultation with you, refer you to a service provided by PCS at another GP Surgery. 

PCS is committed to a social purpose with any surplus being reinvested into General Practice for the benefit of patient care.

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